Raising mud crabs in plastic boxes earns hundreds of millions of dong every month

According to Mr. Vu, the first important thing when raising crabs on the water system is the main source of seawater. Specifically, the farm imported seawater in Ha Long with the price of VND 500,000 – VND 600,000/1m3 to the factory. Currently the farm uses about 50m3 seawater, the amount of loss of about 5% per month can be added with soft drinks. Impressed with the unique delicious taste of crab dishes, Mr. Nguyen Vu was born in 1994 in Soc Son to learn about crab farming models from North to South. Then build crab farms with an area of ​​more than 400 m2 in Tien Le village – commune of Yen district – Hoai Duc district – Hanoi with a circulating water system that brings high economic value.

Mr. Tuan Anh technical staff at the camp said: “In the Kaldnes County circulating system (such as corals) plays a very important role, these particles are the place for microorganisms to reside and treat waste of crab waste. . The water is then treated with UV lights (processing algae and bacteria, fungi …) that works as the sun, the system simulates naturally ”.
Different from traditional breeding models, the owner of the crab farm shared, with this model of farming farmers, the farm staff must regularly check the water quality parameters and the temperature and health – the ability to eat and drink. Crab, to promptly adjust the system to ensure the living environment for crabs.
It is known that the camp has 5 employees with specific jobs such as checking the water source, feeding crabs, cleaning … to take the initiative in the source of seed crabs, direct importing camps of people in Ninh Binh – Men waters Determined with the weight of each one from 180g – 400g. Tuan Anh staff at the camp said: “In order to ensure the supply of quality products to the market, we regularly check the boxes of crabs until the time of the peeling will conduct the winter level, and the nuggets will sell. fresh”.
According to many scientific studies, crab meat structure is not a muscle structure, so whether more or less exercise, the firmness of the meat is not affected. The quality of crab meat does not depend on their motor space, but based on the nutritional composition in food, the quality of the living environment.
Referring to the difficulties when choosing to raise crab crabs in Hanoi, Mr. Vu shared: “Investment costs compared to other breeding models are larger, specifically the camp has been invested more than 2 billion. Besides, due to no experience, the first time we entered the crab to death 90% due to the difference in the water environment. After drawing experience, self -study and adjust the system, strong crabs, develop well ”.

The farm is currently maintaining crab products and crabs when reaching an average weight of 250g, which will be sold for 800,000 – 900,000 VND/kg (to customers without wired). Referring to the output market for the product, the owner of the crab farm revealed: “Currently the supply is not enough demand, so the next time will expand the model to 6,000 boxes to meet the increasing demand of the market. At the same time, the future will complete the procedures, certify VietGAP products … to export crabs to the world market ”. The owner of the crab farm said that on average, every month, the crab farm exported 300 – 400 kg of crabs (more than 1,000 boxes) to clean food supermarkets in Hanoi and retail customers earned from 240 – 360 million VND. “Desiring to combine with many people to develop this potential crab farming model. The model of conversion of input and product output is stable for people, ”Mr. Vu added.

January 16, 2023
About Vân Vy

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