The first unique model of raising mud crabs in plastic boxes in Ninh Binh

Mr. Pham Van Duy, Tien village, Ninh Nhat commune, Ninh Binh city, Ninh Binh province is the first person to deploy a model of crab farming in plastic boxes in Ninh Binh province. Up to now, this model has brought initial success for high productivity and economic efficiency. The model of raising crab in the plastic box of Mr. Pham Van Duy is attracting the attention of many farmers to visit and learn from experience.
In 2021, through learning and learning experience in many places, Mr. Pham Van Duy realized that the sea crab is one of the seafood dishes that many consumers prefer because of the nutritional value of crab meat. This is also one of the seafood objects that bring high economic efficiency to farmers. Especially, crab (2 da crab) has a higher price than normal crabs but still does not meet the demand. The crab is actually the sea crab is about to make a molting day (peeling) to grow. This is the most rare and delicious crab of all types of crabs, costing up to 900,000 VND/kg.

Therefore, in 2021, Mr. Pham Van Duy started deploying crab farming model in plastic boxes combined with circulating water filtration system with only 50 plastic boxes for testing. After 1 year of raising and learning from experience and tinkering, Mr. Duy has broadly replicated the model with 540 plastic boxes, and invested in a professional filtration system with a cost of more than 300 million VND.
Observing the “farm” of Mr. Duy’s crab farming, each crab will be raised separately in a small box to avoid eating meat and narrowing the model to be easy to manage, avoiding cross -infection. Crab -raising boxes are arranged into different floors, numbering and daily records on the care effect in the box. The environmental temperature will be adjusted by the owner of the “farm” with the ideal level of 28 degrees C. After about 20-40 days, the crab starts to harvest, then reaches about 4 heads/kg.

Mr. Pham Van Duy shared that the high -tech system of indoor crab farming has the outstanding advantage of not having much input water thanks to the principle of circulation and aeration to create oxygen. When putting water into the crab, leftovers and residue waste and passes through the rough filtration system, then goes to the microbiological tank and the UV disinfection system. Kaldnes plastic microorganisms play the role of coral to filter leftovers and waste to make the crab’s habitat cleaner. As a result, the water source in the model is reused up to 99.5% to help seafood raise the survival rate high, productivity increases, without causing environmental pollution. In addition, the great advantage of the crab farming system in the house is to take advantage of the maximum farming area, the crabs are raised and harvested continuously, the product quality can be easily controlled before being put into the market. The model consumes less space but gives high productivity and quality.
According to Mr. Duy’s assessment: “Raising crabs in the box has a few differences with crab farming outside the dress. Each box for crabs to eat. Of course, raising crabs in plastic containers can control the number of crabs, few epidemics, convenient care, quick harvest ….

According to biological properties, crab meat structure is not a muscle structure, so whether more or less exercise, the firmness of the meat is not affected. The quality of crab meat is based on the nutritional ingredients in food, the quality of the living environment. Customers can be assured of the quality of crab meat when raising in the box, even crabs ensure freshness and cleanliness. “
Mr. Dinh Phuong Hong, Chairman of the Farmers’ Union of Ninh Nhat commune, assessed that the economic development model of Mr. Pham Van Duy is a new model, initially having a certain success and for economic efficiency. Currently, Mr. Duy is still continuing to research and test to develop the modeling. In the coming time, if the model continues to be implemented highly, the commune Farmers Association will create conditions for people in the commune to come to learn from experience and apply economic development in the locality.

Up to now, after more than 1 year of implementation, the crab farming model has given over 150 million VND/year revenue. In the coming time, Mr. Duy will continue to research, deploy the model and be ready to share experiences with those who need to learn and apply the model.

January 16, 2023
About Vân Vy

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